What Does a Hemp Advocate Do?

Hemp advocates refer to those who support legalizing hemp for centuries of use and believe its cultivation could make numerous products such as clothes, building materials and food items. Furthermore, unlike marijuana which contains psychoactive THC compounds that could get people high – hemp does not contain this psychoactive chemical and therefore cannot get anyone high.

However, hemp and cannabis share similar names, which has caused confusion. At present, hemp is being used in various ways across the United States – some for recreational purposes while others use it medicinally – with many people continuing the debate surrounding its links to marijuana use.

Some hemp advocates have advocated that marijuana should be de-scheduled, yet disagree on what the implications would be for hemp. They feel it unfair that people face criminal penalties based on misunderstandngs between marijuana and hemp.

Hemp advocates often cite its environmental benefits when advocating for its cultivation. Hemp can thrive in various climates without needing much water or pesticides for growth, making it suitable for rotation with other crops to reduce soil erosion and increase biodiversity, in addition to providing fuel, oil, and fiber that has multiple uses.

Hemp fibers can be used in clothing production, while its renewable resources and reduced environmental impact make it ideal for this use. Furthermore, hemp seed oil provides essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids essential to human health that are often lacking from conventional food and beauty products. Hemp seed oil may even be added to food, skin care or cosmetic products for further application.

Advocates have formed organizations and campaigns in order to advance hemp use. These groups lobby for changes in federal laws that prohibit hemp production as well as promote products made with hemp and educate consumers on its benefits. One such campaign, Vote Hemp has been working since 2000 to transfer regulation of industrial hemp away from DEA control into state departments of agriculture.

National Hemp Association is another advocate group for hemp that has been active for many years in both North America and Canada, serving as one of the premier hemp organizations globally. Members include farmers, business owners and activists – working to spread knowledge on its benefits while helping businesses flourish.

The National Hemp Association has its own website and annual conference, boasting more than 100 members throughout North America; Minnesota being home to one of the highest hemp production rates is where many members reside, making the NHA one of the few national advocacy groups with a visible presence.

The National Hemp Association has conducted extensive research on hemp’s benefits and economic ramifications. Furthermore, they collaborated with legislators in passing laws supporting hemp.

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